Sts. Prisca and Aquila, Coworkers of St. Paul

All that is known of this converted Jewish couple is from the New Testament. Aquila, a Jew from Pontus, and his wife Pricsa (Priscilla) were expelled from Rome by the edict of Emperor Claudius in 50 A.D. (Acts 18:1-3). They went to Corinth and opened a tent-making business.

When Paul the Apostle was returning from Athens, he called on Prisca and Aquila and learned that they had the same occupation he did as well as the same faith.they hospitably received the Apostle in their home, where he remained for a year a half, preaching the Gospel to Jews and Greeks (Acts 18:4).

Aquila and Prisca followed Paul to Ephesus (Acts 18:19), where they then instructed the outstanding preacher Apollos who was proclaiming the teaching of Jesus although knowing only the baptism of John (Acts 18:24-28). They had a church in their house, and during his third missionary journey Paul made his headquarters there also (1 Cor 16:19).

At the outbreak of Nero’s persecution, the saintly couple were again in Rome but left for Ephesus (2 Tim 4:19). Later, they returned to Rome and had a church in their home. Paul called them his “coworkers in Christ” and declared: “They have risked their lives for me, and to them not only I am grateful but also all the Churches of the Gentiles” (Rom 16:3-4). They died in Asia Minor, although there is a tradition that they achieved martyrdom in Rome.

PRAYER: Lord God, You taught the Gentiles through St. Paul’s coworkers in Christ, Sts. Prisca and Aquila. As we celebrate their feast, grant that, following their example, we may be witness to Your truth in this world. Amen.
Saint of the Day
We Remember
Merciful Jesus, grant them eternal rest.
3Sister M. Celine Rachwal 2020
5Sister M. Ignatius Szucs 1981
8Sister M. Margaret Gall 2003
8Sister M. Roberta Swarczkopf 2003
12Sister M. Thecla Poromb 2007
14Sister Mary Ann Dujanovic 2022
16Sister M. Adriene Rachwal 1990

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Thursday before First Friday: 7:00 - 8:00 PM