Divine Redeemer

Titular Feast of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer

“The Redeemer of man, Jesus Christ, is the center of the universe and of history.” (John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis)
Jesus Christ redeems believers from all forms of sinful bondage and oppression through His death and resurrection. The price of that redemption, His death, represents a ransom paid to secure the freedom of those held in bondage to sin.

“I know that my Redeemer lives” (Job 19:25). “I the Lord am your Savior and your Redeemer” (Is 49:26). “He has borne our grief, and carried our sorrows” (Is 53:4).
The Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who is alive by the power of His Resurrection, brought us eternal life. We are redeemed through His life, death and Resurrection. He brought peace through a different kind of justice—love, gentleness, simple living, understanding and communion.

He, the Redeemer of man, worked with His human hands, thought with a human mind, acted with a human will, and with a human heart He loved. He, the Son of the living God, speaks to people as Man. It is His life that speaks, His humanity, His fidelity to the truth, His all-embracing love, His death on the Cross, that speaks of His suffering and abandonment. He alone satisfied the Father's eternal love.
Redemption was accomplished in the paschal mystery, leading through the Cross and death to Resurrection. Therefore, the Redemption of the world is a tremendous mystery of love and the renewal of creation, a deepest root, the fullness of justice in a human Heart—the Heart of the First-born Son.

The Church never ceases to relive Jesus’ death on the Cross and His Resurrection, which constitute the content of the Church's daily life. She unceasingly celebrates the Eucharist, finding in it the fountain of life and holiness, the efficacious sign of grace and reconciliation with God, and the pledge of eternal life. The Church lives his mystery, draws unwearyingly from it and continually seeks ways of bringing this mystery of her Master and Lord to humanity—to the peoples, the nations, and every individual human being. "For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified" (1Cor 2:2). The Redemption is the fundamental principle of Church’s life and mission.

The Cross on Calvary, through which Jesus Christ, a Man, "leaves" this world, is a fresh manifestation of the eternal fatherhood of God. This revelation of the Father and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which stamp an indelible seal on the mystery of the Redemption, explain the meaning of the Cross and death of Christ. The God of creation is revealed as the God of Redemption, "for our sake (God) made Him (the Son) to be sin who knew no sin". This revelation of love is also described as mercy; and in man's history this revelation of love and mercy has taken a form and a name: that of Jesus Christ.

In the human dimension of the mystery of the Redemption man finds again the greatness, dignity and value that belong to his humanity. In the mystery of the Redemption man becomes newly "expressed" and, in a way, is newly created.

Jesus Christ is the stable principle and fixed center of the mission that God Himself has entrusted to man. We all have to share in this mission and concentrate all our forces on it. This mission seems to encounter greater opposition nowadays than ever before. The mystery of the divine "economy" is linked with salvation and grace gained by the Cross. It was not without reason that Christ said that "the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force" (Lk 16:8).

PRAYER: Eternal Father, to conquer death and bring us back to life, You made your only Son Redeemer of mankind. May we ever remember your kindness, cling to you with unfailing love, and so enjoy the benefits of your Redemption. Grant this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
Saint of the Day
We Remember
Merciful Jesus, grant them eternal rest.
3Sister M. Celine Rachwal 2020
5Sister M. Ignatius Szucs 1981
8Sister M. Margaret Gall 2003
8Sister M. Roberta Swarczkopf 2003
12Sister M. Thecla Poromb 2007
14Sister Mary Ann Dujanovic 2022
16Sister M. Adriene Rachwal 1990

Mass Schedule:
7:30 AMMonday:
7:30 AMTuesday:
7:30 AMWednesday:
7:30 AMThursday:
7:30 AMFriday:
8:00 AMSaturday:
8:00 AMSunday:
8:00 AMHolidays:
Holy Hour - Adoration:
Thursday before First Friday: 7:00 - 8:00 PM